


   邮箱: zhengru.ren@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn

   地址: 广东省深圳市西丽大学城清华园区海洋楼
















Marine Structures、Ocean Engineering、IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems、IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems等期刊审稿人


聚焦大型海上风电安装与水面航行器智能决策控制的研究,致力于面向海上风电的海洋工程装备智能感知控制领域创新,取得多项创新性研究成果。研究领域包括:水面无人船及船载装备的系统辨识、状态监测、制导、导航和非线性控制策略;海上作业和海上风电的数字孪生技术;船载海表环境感知;智能决策支持理论;海上作业数值仿真平台开发;海上风机安装偶合动力特性分析与作业性评判方法。在2016-2021年间,作为主要执行人承担了由挪威研究理事会重大项目资助的NTNU AMOS卓越中心和SFI MOVE研究创新中心资助的合作项目。

共发表学术论文47篇,其中SCI论文收录27篇(含一作/通讯14篇,一作/通讯顶级期刊7篇,一作ESI高被引期刊3篇),EI收录14篇,影响因子总计超过100。文章总引用次数465次,H因子13(Google Scholar统计,2022年3月8日数据)。已授权发明专利13项,其中第一发明人7项。已作为副导师指导博士研究生1人,硕士研究生8人。



[1] Zhengru Ren, Amrit Shankar Verma, Ye Li* , Julie J.E. Teuwen, and Zhiyu Jiang. Offshore wind turbine operations and maintenance: A state-of-the-art review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 144:110886, 2021. [中科院小类一 区 Top, 影响因子:14.982]

[2] Zhengru Ren, Amrit Verma* , Behfar Ataei, Karl Henning Halse, and Hans Petter Hildre. Model-free anti-swing control of complex-shaped payload with offshore floating cranes and a large number of lift wires. Ocean Engineering, 228:108868, 2021. [中科院小类一区 Top, 影响因子:3.795].

[3] Zhengru Ren* , Xu Han, Amrit Shankar Verma, Johann Alexander Dirdal, and Roger Skjetne. Sea state estimation based on vessel motion responses: improved smoothness and robustness using Bézier surface and L1 optimization. Marine Structures, 76:102904, 2021. [中科院小类一区 Top, 影响因子:3.458].

[4] Zhengru Ren* , Roger Skjetne, Amrit Shankar Verma, Zhiyu Jiang, Zhen Gao, and Karl Henning Halse. Active heave compensation of floating wind turbine installation using a catamaran construction vessel. Marine Structures, 75:102868, 2021. ESI highly-cited paper [中科院小类一区 Top, 影响因子:3.458].

[5] Zhengru Ren* , Bo Zhao, and Dong Trong Nguyen. Finite-time neural adaptive control of a class of nonlinear system: Proved by Bernoulli inequality. IEEE Access, 8:47768–47775, 2020. [中科院小类二区 Top, 影响因子:3.367]

[6] Zhengru Ren, Roger Skjetne, Zhiyu Jiang* , and Zhen Gao. Active single-blade installation using tugger line tension control and optimal control allocation. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 30(2):220–227, 2020. [中科院小类四区, 影响因子:0.670].

[7] Zhengru Ren* , Roger Skjetne, and Zhen Gao. A crane overload protection controller for blade lifting operation based on model predictive control. Energies, 12(1):50, 2019. ESI highly-cited paper [中科院小类四区, 影响因子:3.004].

[8] Zhengru Ren* , Roger Skjetne, Zhiyu Jiang, Zhen Gao, and Amrit Shankar Verma. Integrated GNSS/IMU hub motion estimator for offshore wind turbine blade installation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 123:222–243, 2019. ESI highly-cited paper [中科院小类一区 Top, 影响因子:6.823].

[9] Roger Skjetne and Zhengru Ren* . A survey on modeling and control of thruster-assisted position mooring systems. Marine Structures, 74:102830, 2020. [中科院小类一区 Top, 影响因子:3.458].

[10] Zhengru Ren, Zhiyu Jiang* , Roger Skjetne, and Zhen Gao. Active tugger line force control method for single blade installations. Wind Energy, 21:1344–1358, 2018. [中科院小类三区, 影响因子:2.730].

[11] Zhengru Ren, Zhiyu Jiang* , Roger Skjetne, and Zhen Gao. Development and application of a simulator for offshore wind turbine blades installation. Ocean Engineering, 166:380–395, 2018. [中科院小类一区 Top, 影响因子:3.795].

[12] Jiafeng Xu, Zhengru Ren∗ , Yue Li, Roger Skjetne, and Karl Henning Halse. Dynamic simulation and control of an active roll reduction system using free-flooding tanks with vacuum pumps. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 140:061302, 2018. [中科院小类四区, 影响因子:1.355]

[13] Zhiyu Jiang, Zhen Gao, Zhengru Ren, Ye Li* , and Lei Duan. A parametric study on the blade mating process for monopile wind turbine installations under rough environmental conditions. Engineering Structures, 172:1042 – 1056, 2018. [中科院小类二区 Top, 影响因子:4.471].
