


   邮箱: manjie.li@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn

   地址: 深圳市南山区西丽大学城清华海洋楼1308











Water Research, Urban Water Journal, Environmental Science and Pollution Research等期刊审稿人。




1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“供水管网弯管处水流特征及管垢污染物释放的影响机制研究”,主持,在研

2. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助(站中)项目“供水管网粗糙弯管段的水动力特征与传质过程研究”,主持,完成

3. 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室开放基金课题“供水管道微观水流特征对管壁生物膜附着的影响研究”,主持,在研

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“出水圆柱绕流的尾流特征和流动参数识别研究”,主要参与人,在研

5. 国家重点研发计划课题“河流-水库系统浮游植物及微生物种群变异过程与调控机制”,主要参与人,结题

6. 国家科技支撑计划课题“南水北调中线水质差异应对关键技术研究与应用”,主要完成人,结题

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“电站调峰作用下的澜沧江下游水动力及底栖动物变化规律”,主要参与人,结题


[1]. Manjie Li, Zhaowei Liu*, Mingdong Zhang, Yongcan Chen, 2021. A workflow for spatio-seasonal hydro-chemical analysis using multivariate statistical techniques. Water Research 188, 116550.

[2]. Yuhui Wang, Manjie Li*, Zhaowei Liu, Juanjuan Zhao, Yongcan Chen, 2021. Interactions between pyrene and heavy metals and their fates in a soil-maize (Zea mays L.) system: Perspectives from the root physiological functions and rhizosphere microbial community. Environmental Pollution 287, 117616.

[3]. Manjie Li, Zhaowei Liu*, Qian Yu, Yongcan Chen, 2021. Exploratory analysis on spatio-seasonal variation patterns of hydro-chemistry in the upper Yangtze River basin. Journal of Hydrology 597, 126217.

[4]. Lingjiang Lu, Manjie Li, Zhaowei Liu, Yongcan Chen, 2021. Simulation of flow characteristics in the near-wall area of a rough pipe. The 5th International Symposium of Shallow Flows.

[5]. Manjie Li, Yuhui Wang*, Zhaowei Liu*, Yi Sha, Gregory V. Korshin, Yongcan Chen, 2020. Metal-release potential from iron corrosion scales under stagnant and active flow, and varying water quality conditions. Water Research 175, 115675.

[6]. Manjie Li, Zhaowei Liu, Yongcan Chen, 2020. Sensory assessment of drinking water – the probable influence factors. IWA World Water Congress 2020.

[7]. Manjie Li*, Zhaowei Liu, Yongcan Chen, Gregory V. Korshin, 2019. Effects of varying temperatures and alkalinities on the corrosion and heavy metal release from low-lead galvanized steel. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 2412-2422.

[8]. Manjie Li, Zhaowei Liu*, Yongcan Chen, Mingdong Zhang, 2019. Identifying effects of pipe material, hydraulic condition, and water composition on elemental accumulation in pipe corrosion scales. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26, 19906-19914.

[9]. Manjie Li, Qian Yu, Zhaowei Liu, Yongcan Chen, 2019. Practices of low impact development on urban stormwater management in China. International Symposium on Sustainable Urban Drainage 2019.

[10]. Manjie Li, Zhaowei Liu*, Yongcan Chen, 2018. Physico-chemical characteristics of corrosion scales from different pipes in drinking water distribution systems. Water 10(7), 931-944.

[11]. Yongyan Wu, Zhaowei Liu*, Yongcan Chen, Manjie Li, 2018. Investigation of velocity distribution and turbulence characteristics in subcritical circular open channel flows using a modified Reynolds stress model. Journal of Hydro-Environment Research 19, 68-77.

[12]. Junfeng Wang, Xinshan Song*, Yuhui Wang*, Junhong Bai, Manjie Li, Guoqiang Dong, Fanda Lin, Yanfeng Lv, Denghua Yan, 2017. Bioenergy generation and rhizodegradation as affected by microbial community distribution in a coupled constructed wetland-microbial fuel cell system associated with three macrophytes. Science of the Total Environment 607-608, 53-62.

[13]. Manjie Li, Zhaowei Liu, Yongcan Chen, Yongyan Wu, 2017. Effect mechanism of flow velocity on iron release from pipe surfaces in drinking water distribution systems. The 37th IAHR World Congress.

[14]. Manjie Li, Zhaowei Liu*, Yongcan Chen, Yang Hai, 2016. Characteristics of iron corrosion scales and water quality variations in drinking water distribution systems of different pipe materials. Water Research 106, 593-603.

[15]. Zhaowei Liu, Manjie Li, Yongcan Chen, 2015. Simulation of hydropeaking flows in downstream reservoir of hydropower plants cascade. The 36th IAHR World Congress


李漫洁,刘昭伟,陈永灿,王皓冉. 生物膜采样器. 实用新型专利, 2020.