


   邮       箱: hu.zhenzhong@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn

   个人网站: http://www.huzhenzhong.net

   地       址: 广东省深圳市西丽大学城清华园区海洋大楼702-3










2021年-至今,    副教授,清华大学深圳国际研究生院 








●Automation in Construction(领域顶刊)、SustainabilityJCR Q2)、Advances in Civil EngineeringJCR Q3)、《图学学报》编委会成员

●CIB W78国际学术年会国际学术委员会委员

●《Expert Systems with Applications》、《Energy and Buildings》、《Developments in the Built Environment》、《Building and Environment》、《Journal of Building Engineering》等期刊评阅人










    “基于GIS/BIM的轻量化平台框架与接口技术”,国家重点研发计划子课题,2018/12 - 2022/12

    “基于能耗监测系统的建筑及其机电系统标准化大数据提取技术研究”,国家重点研发计划子课题,2017/07 - 2020/06

    “信息驱动下既有建筑物/群多尺度性能模拟与分析技术研究”,国家自然科学基金面上,2018/01 - 2021/12

    “基于 BIM 的大型公共建筑运维期安全管理技术研究”,国家自然科学基金面上,2015/01 - 2018/12

    “基于全生命期绿色住宅产品化数字运营管理技术研究”,国家863项目子课题,2013/10 - 2016/09







[1]Wu, L.T., Lin, J.R., Leng, S., Li, J.L., Hu, Z.Z. Rule-based information extraction for mechanical-electrical-plumbing-specific semantic web[J]. Automation in Construction, 2021, 135:104108.

[2]Liu, Y., Guo, X.Q., Li, S.W., Zhang, J.M., Hu, Z.Z. Discharge of treated Fukushima nuclear accident contaminated water: macroscopic and microscopic simulations[J]. National Science Review, 2022, 9(1): nwab209.

[3]Leng, S., Lin, J.R., Li, S.W., Hu, Z.Z. A Data Integration and Simplification Framework for Improving Site Planning and Building Design[J]. IEEE Access, 2021(9): 148845-148861.

[4]Zhou, Y.C., Hu, Z.Z., Yan, K.X., Lin, J.R. Deep Learning-Based Instance Segmentation for Indoor Fire Load Recognition[J]. IEEE Access, 2021(9): 148771-148782.

[5]Hu, Z.Z., Leng, S., Lin, J.R., Li, S.W., Xiao, Y.Q. Knowledge Extraction and Discovery Based on BIM: A Critical Review and Future Directions[J]. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2021: 1-22.

[6]Zhang, Y.Y., Hu, Z.Z., Lin, J.R., Zhang, J.P. Linking data model and formula to automate KPI calculation for building performance benchmarking[J]. Energy Reports, 2021, 7, 1326-1337.

[7]Yuan, S., Hu, Z.Z., Lin, J.R., Zhang, Y.Y. A Framework for the Automatic Integration and Diagnosis of Building Energy Consumption Data[J]. Sensors, 2021, 21(4): 1395.

[8]Lin, J.R., Hu, Z.Z., Li, J.L., Chen, L.M. Understanding On-Site Inspection of Construction Projects Based on Keyword Extraction and Topic Modeling[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 198503-198517.

[9]Li, W., Li, J., Hu, Z.Z., Li, S.W., Chan, P.W. A Novel Probabilistic Approach to Optimize Stand-Alone Hybrid Wind-Photovoltaic Renewable Energy System[J]. Energies, 2020, 13(18): 4945.

[10]Leng, S., Lin, J.R., Hu, Z.Z., Shen, X. A Hybrid Data Mining Method for Tunnel Engineering Based on Real-Time Monitoring Data From Tunnel Boring Machines[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 90430-90449.

[11]Liu, M.L., Chen, X.S., Hu, Z.Z., Liu, S.Y. Active Earth Pressure of Limited C-φ Soil Based on Improved Soil Arching Effect[J]. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2020, 10(9), 3243.

[12]Li, W., Hu, Z.Z., Pei, Z.N., Li, S.W., Chan, P.W. A discussion on influences of turbulent diffusivity and surface drag parameterizations using a linear model of the tropical cyclone boundary layer wind field[J]. Atmospheric Research, 2020, 237, 104847.

[13]Wen, Q., Zhang, J.P., Hu, Z.Z., Xiang, X.S., Shi, T. A Data-Driven Approach to Improve the Operation and Maintenance Management of Large Public Buildings[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 176127-176140.

[14]Hu, Z.Z., Yuan, S., Benghi, C., Zhang, J.P., Zhang, X.Y., Li, D., Kassem, M. Geometric optimization of building information models in MEP projects:Algorithms and techniques for improving storage, transmission and display[J]. Automation in Construction, 2019, 107, 102941.

[15]Zhou, Y.W., Hu, Z.Z., Lin, J.R., Zhang, J.P. A Review on 3D Spatial Data Analytics for Building Information Models[J]. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2019, 27, 5, 1449-1463.

[16]Peng, Y., Li, S.W., Hu, Z.Z. A Self-Learning Dynamic Path Planning Method for Evacuation in Large Public Buildings Based on Neural Networks[J]. NeuroComputing, 2019, 365C: 71-85.

[17]Xiao, Y.Q., Li, S.W., Hu, Z.Z. Automatically Generating a MEP Logic Chain from Building Information Models with Identification Rules[J]. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2019, 9(11), 2204.

[18]Lin, J.R., Zhang, J.P., Zhang, X.Y., Hu, Z.Z. Automating closed-loop structural safety management for bridge construction through multisource data integration[J]. Advances in Engineering Software, 2019, 128: 152-168.

[19]Hu, Z.Z., Tian, P.L., Li, S.W., Zhang J.P. BIM-based integrated delivery technologies for intelligent MEP management in the operation and maintenance phase[J]. Advances in Engineering Software. 2018, 115: 1-16.

[20]Weerasuriya, A.U., Hu, Z.Z., Zhang, X.L., Tse, K.T., Li, S., Chan, P.W. New inflow boundary conditions for modeling twisted wind profiles in CFD simulation for evaluating the pedestrian-level wind field near an isolated building[J]. Building and Environment. 2018, 132: 303-318.

[21]Zhou, Y., Hu, Z.Z., Zhang, W.Z. Development and Application of an Industry Foundation Classes-Based Metro Protection Information Model[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2018, Article ID 1820631, 20 pages, 2018. 8. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/1820631.

[22]Peng, Y., Lin, J.R., Zhang, J.P., Hu, Z.Z. A hybrid data mining approach on BIM-based building operation and maintenance[J]. Building and Environment. 2017, 126: 483-495.

[23]Li, S.W., Hu, Z.Z., Chan, P.W., Hu, G. A study on the profile of the turbulence length scale in the near-neutral atmospheric boundary for sea (homogeneous) and hilly land (inhomogeneous) fetches[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 2017, 168: 200-210.

[24]Zhang, J.P., Liu, Q., Hu, Z.Z., Lin, J.R., Yu, F.Q. A multi-server information-sharing environment for cross-party collaboration on a private cloud[J]. Automation in Construction, 2017, 81: 180-195.

[25]Hu, Z.Z., Zhang, J.P., Yu, F.Q., Tian, P.L., Xiang, X.S. Construction and facility management of large MEP projects using a multi-Scale building information model[J]. Advances in Engineering Software. 2016, 100: 215-230.

[26]Weerasuriya, A.U., Hu, Z.Z., Li, S.W., Tse, K.T. Wind direction field under the influence of topography, part I: A descriptive model[J]. Wind and Structures. 2016, 22(4): 455-476.

[27]Li, S.W., Hu, Z.Z., Tse, K.T., Weerasuriya, A.U. Wind direction field under the influence of topography, part II: CFD investigations[J]. Wind and Structures. 2016, 22(4): 477-501.

[28]Hu, Z.Z., Zhang, X.Y., Wang, H.W., Kassem, M. Improving interoperability between architectural and structural design models: An industry foundation classes-based approach with web-based tools[J]. Automation in Construction. 2016, 66: 29-42.

[29]Lin, J.R., Hu, Z.Z., Zhang, J.P., Yu, F.Q. A natural-language-based approach to intelligent data retrieval and representation for cloud BIM[J]. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 2016, 31:18–33.

[30]Zhang, J.P., Yu, F.Q., Li, D., Hu, Z.Z. Development and Implementation of an Industry Foundation Classes-Based Graphic Information Model for Virtual Construction[J]. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2014, 29: 60-74.

[31]Hu, Z.Z., Zhang, J.P. BIM-and 4D-based integrated solution of analysis and management for conflicts and structural safety problems during construction: 2. Development and site trials[J]. Automation in Construction, 2011, 20(2): 167-180.

[32]Zhang, J.P., Hu, Z.Z. BIM-and 4D-based integrated solution of analysis and management for conflicts and structural safety problems during construction: 1. Principles and methodologies[J]. Automation in construction, 2011, 20(2): 155-166.

[33]张嘉鸿, 冷烁胡振中面向乡村住宅的数据集成与轻量化技术研究. 土木建筑工程信息技术, 2021.

[34]胡振中, 冷烁, 袁爽基于BIM和数据驱动的智能运维管理方法. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2021.

[35]冷烁, 李孙伟胡振中基于开源技术的城市地理信息平台构建方法研究. 图学学报, 2020, 41 (6), 1001-1011.

[36]Wang, HW., Lin, JR., Hu, ZZ. Bibliometric review of visual computing in the construction industry. Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art, 2020, 3 (1), 1-15. (中文)

[37]胡振中, 袁爽建筑能耗与环境监测系统标准化数据提取技术. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 60(04): 357-364.

[38]文桥, 张建平, 向雪松, 石涛胡振中基于GIS的大型公共建筑轻量级运维管理平台研发与应用. 图学学报, 2019, 40(4): 751-760.

[39]冷烁胡振中基于BIM的人工智能方法综述. 图学学报, 2018, 39(5): 797-805.

[40]胡振中, 田佩龙, 李久林基于IFC的传感器信息存储与应用研究. 图学学报, 2018, 39(3): 522-529.





















